Hello 2020 and welcome to our two new star coffees from Rwanda and Ethiopia!

We hope one of your resolutions for this year has been to drink more filter coffee, because we have some incredible stuff for you!

We are so glad to be able to once more support a women’s coffee project such as the Cafe des Mamas from Rwanda, from the Nova coffee washing station. Managed by Agnès Mukamushinja, the terroir around the NOVA coffee station is rich in volcanic soil and at the perfect altitude (1800-2000 masl) to produce the finest arabica specialty coffees. The women collaborating with the NOVA coffee station are very diligent and sort all the coffee by hand to obtain only the perfect quality beans.

This natural processed coffee has a spectacular flavor array going from strawberry jam to tropical fruit juice, it is really special for a distinct filter brew. You should be more adventurous in 2020 and try this jewel!

As you already might know, we love African coffees for filter preparations for their delicate autoctonous flavors and their incredible aroma, so our second coffee for the beginning of the year is washed Guji from the Dimtu Tero Farm. We love it not only because if its beautiful bergamot flavor, but also because of the dedication to sustainability and quality Getachew Zeleke, the founder, is implementing. He has very ambitious goals – to become the most sustainable of the producers of the Guji area, thanks to the smallholder farmers of the Odo Shakiso. It is a spectacular example of how the local community can motivate each other and grow together and produce better quality, be more gentle with the environment and be able to generate more revenue for themselves in order to continue improving and living better lives.

When we buy, we always cup our coffees blind because we don’t want to be influenced by the area, the variety etc., but we do always take special care of buying the coffees only from sustainable sources that guarantee the correct price for the green coffee to the producers.

We hope you enjoy these! Cafe des Mamas and Guji are definitely a fantastic way of starting the New Year!

80plus Specialty Coffee Roastery - Carrer Verneda del Congost, 7, 08160 Montmeló, España
80plus Specialty Coffee Studio - Via Laietana 36, Ático, 08003 Barcelona, España

© 80plus 2023
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