• Solo magazine #6


    One of the leading coffee magazines for coffee enthusiasts and professionals. The 6th Solo magazine issue for you to enjoy with your favorite cup of coffee!

  • darjeeling black canton tea in pyramids

    50 pyramids. Plastic free plant based material.


    Muscatel. Bright. Ethereal. Chinese tea bushes thrive in the Himalayas and yield this sparkling ‘Champagne of teas’.


    Origin Singell Estate, Darjeeling, India


    TASTING AND AROMA NOTES – Muscatel grape, dried raisin One thing you have to know… Canton Darjeeling high-grade tea is a second flush Darjeeling. This refers to the second picking season of the year (May-June). Second flush Darjeelings tend to be darker and richer than first flush and considered more premium.


    BREWING INDICATIONS Temperature – 95 degrees C Time – 3 min


  • Sold Out

    Cafetto Grinder Clean 450g


    Organic grinder cleaner. Removes residue of stale coffee and reduces blockages between burrs and internal chambers. Cleans grinder burrs and casings to improve grinder performance and extend grinder life.