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  • Specialty coffee from Kenya



    Be first to try! Make your pre order of this beautiful Kenyan coffee and receive your can from the first roasted batch.

    Muranga County has cool temperatures and fertile central highlands. The combination of fertile volcanic soil, seasonal rainfall and high altitude provide the ideal climate for coffees characterised by high acidity, full body and ripe fruit flavours. Due to the cool conditions, the cherries in Murang’a develop slowly and the beans reach a large size. Kanjathi wetmill (or factory) was established in 1971under Kangiri Farmers’ Co-operative Society and now works with 1,100 registered members, local smallholder farmers who cultivate typical Kenyan varieties (SLs, Batian and Ruiru11). These beans are wet processed and then delivered at Othaya dry mill where it is rested in parchment for 3 weeks before being hulled.

    CAN 250g.

    • Origin:Kenya
    • Terroir:Murang’a County, 1900 m.a.s.l
    • Wet Mill:Kanjathi
    • Varietal:Batian, Ruiru 11, SL28, SL34
    • Processing:Washed
    • Aroma:Fruity, Sweet
    • Flavour:Blackcurrant, Orange marmalade, Caramel, Lemon and Tea
  • can of coffee with 80plus logo on it and Mediterranean view photo



    The Mogiana region, which runs along the São Paulo and Minas Gerais border, is home to some of the most consistently sweet and well-structured naturals produced in Brazil. Selected lots from individual farms were processed together to create a rich, smooth, balaced and clean cup. The goal with this coffee
    is to have a reliable profile from batch to batch,
    making Mogiana a coffee that can be a base of our menu year-round.

    • Origin:Brazil
    • Terroir:Mogiana, 1400 m
    • Producer:Various producers
    • Varietal:Acaia, Catuai, Caturra, Mundo Nuovo
    • Processing:Natural
    • Aroma:Honey 
    • Flavour:Chocolate, almond, dried fruits
  • decaf specialty coffee whole bean in the can

    Sugarcane EA Decaf


    Here is a bit on how Decaf Sugarcane EA is made. Green coffee is being steamed in a low-pressure environment. This process opens the pores of the coffee, allowing for easier caffeine extraction. Coffee is placedin a solution of water and Ethyl Acetate (E.A.), a naturally occuring compound and solvent derived through the fermentation of sugarcane. Beans are submerged in the solvent, which naturally bonds to the salts of chlorogenic acids within the coffee, allowing the extraction of caffeine. With time the beans get saturated and the solution hasto be changed. This manipulation is done several times. When the process is finished the beans are steammed again to remove all traces of EA, dried, get prepared for transportation and roasting.

    · Origin: Colombia, Caldas

    · Processing: Washed

    · Decaffeination process: Sugarcane EA

    · Aroma: Cinnamon

    · Flavour: Gingerbread Cookies, Sweet Lemon